
Prisjakt photography

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Tomas Nilsson

Art director

Uppdaterad: 07 februari 2025

Lifestyle photos

The Prisjakt universe is a life-affirming world inhabited by unpretentious and easy going people, depicted with a good sense of humor and an optimistic view on life.

Prisjakts communication is often about products and our digital interfaces. As often as we can we show them in use, in the real world.

Boy gaming with his mother

Product photos

We use product images from our customers feeds to highlight offers or categories. Our starting point is not using any shadows, to not clutter our designs, but when needed we use subtle shadows to indicate depth or proximity.

No shadow

Always start here

Subtle shadow

When the layout needs it, use a subtle shadow to show how the product relates to the background or other content.

Diversity and inclusion

We strive for diversity and equality among the people in our images. We do this by:

  • demonstrating diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, family constellations,
  • age and sexual orientation.
  • highlighting people with disabilities as regular citizens and not just to represent disability issues.
  • counteracting stereotypical gender roles.
  • showing the whole of a country from sparsely populated areas to big cities.

Dos and don'ts

We want show the world as it is and capture people in their real life.

Believable scenes

Don't pose!

Natural colors

Don't over-saturate

No filters

Never use visible photo filters for effect