
Prisjakt typography

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Tomas Nilsson

Art director

Uppdaterad: 07 februari 2025

Brand fonts


Radikal is our main brand font used primarily in headlines. It’s closely connected to our logo and brings a lot of character to our messaging.



Mulish is our secondary font, used for body copy and smaller headlines. It’s also our main font for open documents like Google Slides.


Fonts in use


Radikal is our first choice for headlines. Bold is our go-to, but feel free to combine it with thinner cuts.

  • Tracking: 0 to -5
  • Line height: 100 to 110 %

Keep an eye on the line height since Radikal can vary a lot depending on up- and down-stacks.

Body copy and preambles

Mulish is used for longer texts, from preambles with more than two lines to body copy.

  • Tracking: 0 to -5
  • Line height: 120 to 140 %

Fall back fonts

Not every platform can handle our fonts the way we want them to. This is how we deal with that.

If Radikal is not available

Use Mulish all over. Mulish Extra bold is the closest to Radikal Bold so primarily use that for large headlines.

If neither Radikal nor Mulish is available

Use Arial and try to use font weights and color choices to get the feel from our regular fonts.