Indies Adventure; the Amazing Career of Afonso De Albuquerque, Captain-general and Governor of India (1509-1515)384 krTill butik
Centenários De Ceuta E De Afonso De Albuquerque: Sessão Solene Da Academia Das Sciencias De Lisboa Em 16 De Dezembro De 1915, Quarto Centenário Da Morte De Afonso De Albuquerque183 krTill butik
SCAN-TO-BIM: Guidelines for the Digitalization of Hydroelectric Power Plants Based on the Case Study of the Paulo Afonso IV Plant, Brazil.425 krTill butik
Graa S Carvalho, Ana Sofia Afonso, Zlia Anastcio: Fostering Scientific Citizenship in an Uncertain World1 979 krJämför pris