Professor James Baikie: The Amarna AgeHistoria & Arkeologi, Pappersböcker, Engelska327 krJämför pris
Dirk Schroeder: Amarna and the Biblical ExodusFilosofi & Religion, Pappersböcker, Engelska348 krJämför pris
Dennis C Forbes: Tombs.Treasures. Mummies. Book Three: The Tomb of Yuya & Thuyu and the 'Amarna Cache'Engelska580 krJämför pris
Letters from King David Found in the Site of El-Amarna: How a misinterpretation of the Assyrian king lists produced a three-hundred-year mistake in the chronology - And how to fix it!504 krTill butik
Guide to Egypt: Abydos, Amarna, el Ashmunein, Tuna el Gebel, Beni Hasan, Meidum, Dahshur & Saqqara200 krTill butik
Middle Egypt: Edfu, Dendera, Abydos, Tell el-Amarna, Tuna el-Gebel, el-Ashmunein & Beni Hasan223 krTill butik
Middle Egypt: Edfu, Dendera, Abydos, Tell el-Amarna, Tuna el-Gebel, el-Ashmunein, Beni Hasan203 krTill butik