C# 11 i .NET 7 dla programistów aplikacji wieloplatformowych. Twórz aplikacje, witryny WWW oraz serwisy sieciowe za pomocą ASP.NET Core 7, Blazor i EF Core 7. Wydanie VII
C# 12 & .NET 8, Guida completa per sviluppatori e principianti: Programmazione ad oggetti, machine learning, creazione di siti e applicazioni, con oltre 200 esercizi risolti
C# 12 & .NET 8, Guida completa per sviluppatori e principianti: Programmazione ad oggetti, machine learning, creazione di siti e applicazioni, con oltre 200 esercizi risolti
Mastering Asynchronous Programming with c#9 and .NET 5: Master the Craft of Building Well-Structured and Efficient Asynchronous APIs and Code, Ensuring Maintainability and Avoiding Common Pitfalls.
Microservices Architecture Development with C# 9 and .NET 5: Create, Develop, and Launch Scalable Applications with .NET 5. A Hands-On Guide to Building Agile and Maintainable Software
Mastering High-Performance Computing with C#10 and .NET 6: Master Strategies to Overcome HPC Challenges in Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Beyond
Fundamental C# Programming For Absolute Beginners: From Basics To Proficiency: A Beginner's Guide to C# Programming, Covering C# Syntax, .NET Framework and practical Examples
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FUNDAMENTAL HANDS-ON MODERN APP DEVELOPMENT WITH C# 8.NET CORE 3: Unlocking the Full Potential of .NET Core 3 with C# 8: A Hands-on Guide to Building Modern, Fast and scalable applications
HANDS-ON MODERN APP DEVELOPMENT WITH C# 10 AND .NET 6: A Beginner's Guide to Mastering C# 10 and .NET 6 for Modern App Development, Advanced Coding Techniques, and Real-World Projects
Beginner's Guide to Learning C# .NET from Scratch: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners: Learn the Essentials, Build Projects, and Get Hired with No Prior Experience Needed!
HANDS-ON MODERN APP DEVELOPMENT WITH C# 10 AND .NET 6: A Beginner's Guide to Mastering C# 10 and .NET 6 for Modern App Development, Advanced Coding Techniques, and Real-World Projects
C# 10 CLEAN ARCHITECTURE WITH .NET 6: A Beginner's Guide to Building Scalable and Maintainable Applications Using Clean Architecture with C# 10 and .NET 6
HANDS-ON MODERN APP DEVELOPMENT WITH C# 8 AND .NET CORE 3: A Beginner's Guide to Modern App Development with C# 8 and .NET Core 3: Comprehensive Learning, Key Techniques, and Real-World Examp
Mastering Modern App Development with C# 8 and .NET Core 3: Develop Cross-Platform Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms, Desktop Applications with WPF, and Web Applications with Razor Pages