Letters from King David Found in the Site of El-Amarna: How a misinterpretation of the Assyrian king lists produced a three-hundred-year mistake in the chronology - And how to fix it!
Shepherd Boy to King: A Coloring Book and Devotional on The Life of King David: A Coloring Book Depicting the Life of King David from Start to Finish. ... paired with each of the coloring pages.
The Paris Psalter, King David Composing the Psalms , A Byzantine Masterpiece Journal: Is a 10th-century illuminated manuscript of medieval art with ... and contains the Psalm text in Greek
The Paris Psalter, King David Composing the Psalms , A Byzantine Masterpiece Journal: Is a 10th-century illuminated manuscript of medieval art with ... and contains the Psalm text in Greek
The Man in Seat 22A: True Stories of the great Rabbis who Changed the Course of Jewish History from the Time of King David to the Birth of the Jewish Nation
The Man in Seat 22A: True Stories of the great Rabbis who Changed the Course of Jewish History from the Time of King David to the Birth of the Jewish Nation