Walking with Emotions: What Does It Look Like? What Does It Feel Like?: A Somatic Solutions Activity and Coloring Book Introduction to Mastering ... Exploring the Sensations of Your Inner World"
EXPAND: BARS to FRONTIERS, Vol. 2 of 4: 50 Tools Expanding WHO does things & HOW: Your MIND the world's TOP overall computational system: LEARN & USE it full powers
How Does It Get Any Better Than This Gratitude notebook: pocket size gratitude lined notebook in red and cream colour. perfect gift for a friend or yourself. gratitude journal
Why, When And How The 369 Manifestation Method Does Not Work, But It Should: Your No-Bull Guide for 369 Manifestation to Getting It Right for Your Big Life!
Well, Why don't you sit still?: and it doesn’t matter where you are, it’s important with whom and how you feel. They say you can't run away from yourself. ...and I'll try