We will miss you, but probably not as much as you will miss us. We are pretty awesome. Funny notebook for work, office. Idea With Funny Saying On Cover: Funny office notebook, great gift 6x9 120 pages
We Will Miss You but Probably Not as Much as You Will Miss Us. We are Pretty Awesome.: 120 Page Goodbye Gag Gift For Retirement Farewell Party, Funny ... / colleague that is leaving for a new job
Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Matthew 6:30 - Daily Journal
We Will Miss You But Probably Not As Much As You Will Miss Us: 6 x 9 Blank Lined Notebook Journal - Funny Saying Sarcastic Work Gag Gift for Office Coworkers, Employees, Team, Adults, Boss
We Will Miss You But Probably Not As Much As You Will Miss Us: Blank Lined Journal Notebook, Funny Saying Sarcastic Work Gag Gift for Office ... Pages: Funny Sarcastic Quote Lined Notebook