Novena to St. Thomas Aquinas: Biography, Life, Spiritual Legacy, Writings, Complete Works, Hymns, Reflections, 9-Day Powerful Devotion Prayers To The Patron Saint of Students, Theologians, & Educators
Does god exist? the existence of God: a journey through philosophy and science: Exploring the arguments of Saint Thomas Aquinas and their relevance in the modern world.
NOVENA TO ST. THOMAS AQUINAS: Reflection And Solemn Prayers to the Patron Saint of Students, Against Storms, Against Lightning, Italy, Catholic Academies.
Novena to St. Thomas More: Biography, Life, Writings, 9-Day Powerful Devotion Prayers To The Patron Saint of Difficult Marriages, Lawyer, Adopted Children, Statesmen, & Politicians
Aquinas and the Biblical Grounds of the Doctrine of Creation: An Analysis of Thomas Aquinas’s Creation Theology in the Light of His References to Scripture