Ramana Maharshi's Forty Verses On What Is: The ultimate truth on being as you actually are | A compilation of the writings and talks on Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu by MICHAEL JAMES
THINGS I WANT TO SAY ON THE PULPIT BUT CAN'T: Truth hurts. Must it be said out loud? This FAKE BOOK COVER is very telling. You are keeping some ... journal first and arrange your thoughts.
The Truth: When you see through the illusions of life, you will discover that you are the universe itself, and we are all the master creators of our own destinies.
Over 50? These Health Mistakes Are Slowly Killing You: The Untold Truth About Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Simple Steps to Take Back Control of Your Health.
Quick Question: What If You Are the Answer Book: Stop Searching for Answers and Start Discovering the Truth Within You with 26 Life-Changing Questions That Lead to Unstoppable Confidence and Clarity