Otydligt vad som gäller vid beställning av julgran. Körs de hem? Hamnar de hos ombud? Finns möjlighet att välja leveranstid?
Faulty constructed scroll wheel. After about a year the scroll wheel function has become dysfunctional. When scrolling up it sometimes scrolls down during the up scrolling. The same thing happens down scrolling down, it can jump back up, I've opened the mouse and cleaned it should not be a dirt issue. The mouse button clicks are very audible compared to Steel Series mice. Other than that I think it is an ok mouse.
Levereras har hittills tagit mer än dubbelt så lång tid som de tidigare aviserat om vid beställning. Ingen information har skickats till mig kring status.
Seems sturdy as the pipe is in metal. Can handle presta, dunloc and schäfer valves, which is great. Price isn't too shabby either. I have not tested this for an extensive period of time. This is just the first impression.
Great handling of complaints. I got my money back for a faulty pair of shoes after they had been used for 5 months.
Feel nice but they tear down after 1 to 6 months of use. Severely lacking in durability in other words.